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Active - Monthly Presidential - Principal campaign committee ID: C00573519 Registration date: March 02, 2015

About this committee

Committee information

Committee name: CARSON AMERICA
Mailing address: 1800 DIAGONAL ROAD STE 140 ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314
Treasurer: DELANY, LOGAN D. JR
Committee type: Presidential
Committee designation: Principal campaign committee
Statement of organization:
Authorizing candidate:
Presidential candidate Republican Party

Financial summary

Total raised

Browse receipts
Coverage dates: 01/01/2015 to 12/31/2016
Total receipts $65,091,035.97
Total contributions $63,466,990.92
Total individual contributions $63,461,402.63
Itemized individual contributions $26,938,757.00
Unitemized individual contributions $36,522,647.00
Party committee contributions $0.00
Other committee contributions $5,588.29
Presidential public funds $0.00
Candidate contributions $0.00
Transfers from other authorized committees $0.00
Total loans received $25,000.00
Loans made by candidate $25,000.00
Other loans $0.00
Total offsets to expenditures $145,559.52
Offsets to operating expenditures $145,559.52
Fundraising offsets $0.00
Legal and accounting offsets $0.00
Other receipts $1,453,485.53

Newly filed summary data may not appear for up to 48 hours.

Coverage dates: 01/01/2015 to 12/31/2016
Total disbursements $64,530,285.46
Operating expenditures $61,671,027.72
Transfers to other authorized committees $0.00
Fundraising $0.00
Exempt legal and accounting $0.00
Total loan repayments made $25,000.00
Candidate loan repayments $25,000.00
Other loan repayments $0.00
Total contribution refunds $1,297,622.91
Individual refunds $1,297,622.91
Political party refunds $0.00
Other committee refunds $0.00
Other disbursements $1,536,634.83

Newly filed summary data may not appear for up to 48 hours.

Cash summary

Coverage dates: 01/01/2015 to 12/31/2016
Beginning cash on hand $0.00
Ending cash on hand $560,750.51
Debts/loans owed to committee $0.00
Debts/loans owed by committee $0.00

Newly filed summary data may not appear for up to 48 hours.


Total receipts

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raised in total receipts by this committee from to .
See the financial summary for a breakdown of each type of receipt.

Newly filed summary data may not appear for up to 48 hours.

Individual contributions

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Coverage dates: 01/01/2015 to 12/31/2016


Total disbursements

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spent in total disbursements by this committee from to .
See the financial summary for a breakdown of each type of disbursement.

Newly filed summary data may not appear for up to 48 hours.


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Coverage dates: 01/01/2015 to 12/31/2016

Committee filings

Regularly filed reports

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Report year: 2015–2016

24- and 48-hour reports

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Report year: 2015–2016

Statements of organization

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Report year: 2015–2016

Other documents

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Report year: 2015–2016